Well equipped, spacious, convenient laboratories are provided for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. Students are trained to do experiments in all the science from the VI std. onwards. As a part of the main curriculum, computer education is provided to the students from II std onwards. To achieve this qualitative aim, an ultra modern computer lab is set up. Qualified staff guides the students to operate the computers. Well Prepared text books are selected to aid the students.

Library is the vein of any educational institution. Due emphasis is given to the students to spend their leisure time for reading books. The school is spending a huge amount of money in providing and maintaining a very good library for the students.

Physical Education
Physical Education is compulsory to all students Facilities for sports like cricket, football, Volley ball and Kabadi are available in the school to students from V std. onwards. L.K.G. to IV std. students have various playing items. A special children’s playing park is established in the school. Apart from physical education classes, indoor games such as Caroms and Chess are taught. We are proud to say, we are adjudged as the best school in sports in zonal level.

Academic year Co-Curricular Activities
In order to provide holistic education, school provides different types of co-curricular activities in Literary Club (Tamil, English), Science Club and Maths Club. Karate classes, Yoga classes and Dance classes are conducted and masters in respective fields are appointed to train the students. The students are encouraged to join in Scouts and Guides, Red Cross society & etc so that they develop the sense of service.

Health & Hygiene
The health history of each and every student is maintained in the school. The general state of health of the students is periodically checked up by a qualified medical Educational tours are organized by the school to provide first hand information and expand the horizons of the pupils knowledge. Regular educational trips are arranged for the students to enhance their knowledge.

Transport facilities are provided for the students to various localities. This is being achieved with the help of buses and vans. Once a student adopts the transport facility, he/she will not be allowed to cancel it in the middle of the academic year.